jobst graeve

Jobst Graeve - He has been visual arts officer of the Project Arts Centre and founder of Project Press. Jobst Graeve was Co- Founder-Director of Artsource Ltd a concept based arts production company which produced among others Lifecycles a year long interdisciplinary art project involving dancers, jewellers, video artists, composer/musicians and Temple Bar Street Art 1992-1995.

He has been collecting contemporary art since 1976 and became a member of the international association of curators (IKT) in 1992.

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avp - audio visual presenter vjp - video jockey presenter squideo - animation software digi-boarding foodface freeform john gerrard jobst graeve stephen o'reilly heartline the case of majella mcginty hit and run a ferret called mickey love is the drug whistleblower love is the drug whistleblower try tony siobhan burke kathryn lennon future player 1 cultural cinema in ireland irish theatre institute arts council cultural touring time out of mind crossing the digital divide ark 1 x 1 siobhan bourke jobst graeve