the case of majella mcginty

The Case of Majella McGinty-Dublin 1999-A story where the imaginative eight year old Majella puts two and two together and gets five when her innocent detective game spills over into what she imagines to be an elaborate real life case. She takes refuge in her small red suitcase for hours on end when life gets too complicated in 1970's Derry. The Case of Majella McGinty is a fun and vivid recollection of the wacky games and wild imaginings of childhood.

ferret with the cutest nose and the sharpest teeth to sort out the

link credits
avp - audio visual presenter vjp - video jockey presenter squideo - animation software digi-boarding foodface freeform john gerrard jobst graeve stephen o'reilly heartline the case of majella mcginty hit and run a ferret called mickey love is the drug whistleblower love is the drug whistleblower try tony siobhan burke kathryn lennon future 1 cultural cinema in ireland irish theatre institute arts council cultural touring time out of mind crossing the digital divide ark 1 x 1 siobhan bourke jobst graeve