hit and run

Hit and Run-Dublin 2001-A dark, edgy, dance film about the disintegration of a gang of eight characters who meet up in a large derelict building, a "gormenghast" of dead technology. A magical place where those who enter will not leave unchallenged or unchanged. In this story only seven will leave....

link credits
avp - audio visual presenter vjp - video jockey presenter squideo - animation software digi-boarding foodface freeform john gerrard jobst graeve stephen o'reilly heartline the case of majella mcginty hit and run a ferret called mickey love is the drug whistleblower love is the drug whistleblower try tony siobhan burke kathryn lennon future 1 cultural cinema in ireland irish theatre institute arts council cultural touring time out of mind crossing the digital divide ark 1 x 1 siobhan bourke jobst graeve